Ofer Levin: “Austria is no doubt a role model in flood defense”

Ofer Levin Austria - Donauinsel

It happened on July 17, 2021. Within merely 3 hours heavy rains fell on the Austrian capital,  flooding metro stations, garages, underpasses, tunnels, and cellars, and setting a new all-time record. The main culprit for this unusual weather event was once again climate change which in recent years has been causing extreme weather phenomena across […]

Another Impact of Climate Change to Our region: Outbreaks of Desert Locusts

In recent years our planet is experiencing unusual weather events which are all linked to climate change: heavy rains, floods, draught, extreme heatwaves, and extended forest fires. Another recent weather-related phenomenon is recurring outbreaks of desert locusts across several East African and Middle Eastern countries. The main explanation to this upsurge is that desert locust, […]

Climate Change endangers the Middle East

Last year’s weather events were exceptionally unusual according to experts and laymen alike. The region experienced extended forest fires in Syria and Lebanon, deadly floods in Sudan, extreme heatwaves in Jordan and Iraq, and even unusual snow in the Saudi desert along sudden floods in January. A series of reports by the Arab Forum for […]